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Contact Person:
Gillian Gibb
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In 1960 Len Schwabe, Head of Music at Freyberg High School, initiated the rebuilding of a symphony orchestra. The initial stage of this project consisted of the formation of a Youth Orchestra. In October 1961 thirty-three foundation members of what was initially called the Palmerston North Youth Orchestra presented an informal concert at Freyberg High School.
Many talented musicians who had their start in the Youth Orchestra have taken up professional positions in leading New Zealand and overseas orchestras. By 1966 a more advanced orchestra was possible. Named the Manawatu Sinfonia, it began with thirty players, made up of graduates of the Youth Orchestra and other senior players from the city and surrounding districts.
The first Sinfonia concert was given in April 1967. The first combined concert featuring both Sinfonia and Youth Orchestra was presented in the Opera House in October 1967. It has since become an annual fixture, with the two groups presenting their separate programmes before combining for the final items.
We perform three or four main concerts a year, with a variety of styles to suit a range of audiences and provide interest and challenge to the players. Concerts often feature a professional soloist in a concerto and a large-scale symphony. We sometimes invite guest players to augment our numbers and fill any gaps in instrumentation. No resident conductor. Recent guest conductors have included members of the NZSO and NZ School of Music.
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We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.