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Submit a Concert

Please add your contact details first:

About your Concert

What type of concert are you planning?
Free public concert
Concert for specially invited audience (eg school, retirement village, special needs group etc)
General ticketed public concert
Date and time of concert
Do you use any kind of audience analysis and/or evaluation? If so would you be willing to participate in a further survey to help us get and overall New Zealand perspective on the impact of our concerts?

Promote your Concerts

Hello and thanks for calling by,

Among the useful things we want to include on this new website, is a section about the concerts that New Zealand community orchestras have recently presented or are planning to present in 2024.


​We think this information will be useful and of interest to:

  • people who might want to know about orchestral concerts in their region

  • anyone who wants to have a better understanding of other community orchestras and what music they typically offer their audiences

  • music directors who are planning ahead and looking for ideas

  • analytically minded people who want to get a feel for the range, styles, standards and genres of music that our orchestras are presenting.

If you’d be willing to share your great programming ideas with others and see theirs in return, would you please:

1 . send us a poster or description of your last concert; and

2. let us have a poster or information about your next planned concert

​Should you have a poster already designed, please look on this as an opportunity to upload it for display as a free advertisement for your event.

Congratulations on your contribution to community orchestral music and thanks for providing your cooperation,

Ross Gurney