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Contact Person:
Mark Carter
Mark Carter
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Mark Carter
The orchestra was formed in 1958 from smaller chamber groups that had grown to a size that an orchestra was the next step. As of 2010, we are the Hutt Valley Orchestra Incorporated. The total population of the Hutt Valley is about 140,000, easily large enough to support a full-sized community orchestra.
Our players come from a wide variety of occupations, but are united in their love of playing and performing music. Mark Carter (NZSO) took over as Music Director from December 2016 and conducted his first concert with us mid 2017. He is Sub principal trumpet with NZSO.
We play a variety of music, typically from the classical orchestra repertoire, but also modern pieces. If you link to our past events, you will see previous concert programmes, and also about the orchestral weekend which attracts players from much of central New Zealand. Community orchestras have considerable freedom in what they might play.
For our 50th anniversary concert, we played the premiere of an specially commissioned unusual composition by Claire Cowan for a split orchestra. We have also done 'unstaged' musicals. This year's concerts can be viewed on the concert schedule page.
We have provided the Hutt Valley Orchestra Cup to be presented at the Hutt Valley Performing Arts Competition for the most outstanding performer. As part of their prize, winners have the opportunity to play with the orchestra at a later concert.
We rehearse at St Mark's Church, 58 Woburn Rd, Lower Hutt. Mondays 7.30Â to 9:30 pm. A frequent concert venue is St James Church, Woburn Road, Lower Hutt beside the Library. This church has lovely acoustics, and a number of chamber groups and touring performers also like to play there. We have also played at Expressions in Upper Hutt and in Carterton. We are an Incorporated Society registered under the incorporated societies act, and also as a Charitable Trust.
Can you help?
We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.