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Christchurch School of Music Camerata Strings

Christchurch School of Music Camerata Strings

String Ensemble


Contact Information


Contact Person: 

Celia Stewart


Patrick Sheppard

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Patrick Sheppard


Camerata Strings is a string orchestra made up of violins, violas, cellos and double bass for professional and advanced adult string players who enjoy playing the sublime string repertoire. Camerata is a performance based group that rehearses in the weeks leading up to a performance. Players can choose how many concerts they wish to participate in throughout the year. Rehearsals are held at Linwood College in the music room and concerts at various venues.

Christchurch School of Music Camerata Strings

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We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.

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