Contact Information
Contact Person:
Heleen du Plessis
Heleen du Plessis
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Heleen du Plessis
Cellists of Otago is a Dunedin, New Zealand-based cello choir comprised of a combination of Dunedin Symphony Orchestra (DSO) cellists, University of Otago students, other community cellists and high school pupils. The Cellists of Otago has built a reputation of delighting audiences with variety in their programmes, captivating audiences with dark mellow, to stormy and passionate sounds of the cello ensemble.
The aim of the group is to share the profound beauty of the unique sound of many cellos playing together, the sense of community in an informal atmosphere, and the joy they experience when they make music together. The sound of the cello has human qualities that have the ability to allow people to express their deepest feelings, construct meaning and evoke a sense of space and society, connecting people, time and places.
Cellists of Otago strives to introduce music to a wide audience as part of an enriching component of social life, culture, tradition and social cohesion. Our mission is to contribute to the growth, education and development of musicians, especially in Dunedin and the deep-South of New Zealand. We therefore, present a varied programme ranging from baroque to contemporary works, including guest artists playing different instruments, to provide a showcase for rising talent.
Can you help?
We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.