Contact Information
Contact Person:
Anne Jaquiery
William McElwee
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William McElwee
Bay of Plenty Symphonia Inc is a community symphony orchestra with 50-60 musicians. Mainly from the Bay of Plenty region, it prepares and performs concerts for audiences in Tauranga and other parts of the Bay of Plenty. It has playing members who are keen amateur orchestral musicians. Some members are music teachers but many work in other jobs or are retired and enjoy their music as a hobby. It also has some non-playing members and other volunteers who help behind the scenes. It has a policy of encouraging talented young musicians, and many who have played with it have gone on to successful tertiary study in performance.
Its biennial Rising Stars concerto competitions have been a popular part of its repertoire since 2009, and has given many secondary school level students from around the Bay the rare opportunity to perform with a live orchestra. The recent introduction of a composition class has led to some exciting new talent being recognised. It also brings in top-class soloists and interesting groups to perform with it, allowing the local community to hear some wonderful artists close to home at an affordable price. For instance in 2016 we filled the Waihi Beach Community Hall for our Taiko to Tango concert, which featured the Tamashii Taiko Drummers from Auckland. This was probably the first time their biggest drum (as big as a car!) had been taken out of the Auckland area.
It has also performed with nationally and internationally known soloists such as violinist Benjamin Morrison, pianist Jason Bae and cellist Inbal Megiddo. It endeavours to keep ticket prices as low as possible for these events so that as many people as possible can benefit. Occasional free concerts are particularly popular with the community.
Can you help?
We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.