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Nelson Symphony Orchestra Incorporated

Nelson Symphony Orchestra Incorporated

Adult Orchestra


Contact Information



Contact Person: 

Freya Davison



Jason Balla

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Jason Balla


The Nelson Symphony Orchestra (NSO) is comprised of a pool of committed and dedicated orchestral musicians from throughout the region. The orchestra performs a wide repertoire from the traditional orchestral canon to twentieth century works. As the longest standing resident classical performing arts ensemble in the region, NSO perform four or five regular and varied concerts annually. It provides a platform for residents with orchestral skills and a learning environment for younger high-achieving players. The NSO also brings first class musicians to conduct and perform with the orchestra.

Nelson Symphony Orchestra Incorporated

Can you help?

We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.

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