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Nelson Centre of Musical Arts

Nelson Centre of Musical Arts

Umbrella Organisation


Contact Information


Contact Person: 

James Donaldson



Missing Info?

We have compiled all the contact details we could find. This may be incomplete or inaccurate. 

Please scroll to the form below if you can confirm, add to or correct this info.



In January 2018, the Trustees announced a new name for the School, NCMA  Nelson Centre of Musical Arts - heralding a new, fresh start for the organisation. This is a significant chapter in one of the Southern Hemisphere's most unique musical organisations and recognises the evolution of NCMA from its early foundations as a musical conservatorium in 1894 to the Centre for all music in the Nelson-Tasman region, ready and fully equipped to deliver our vision for today and the future: to be New Zealand's most vibrant, innovative and accessible music community. 

Situated in the heart of Nelson, we offer opportunities to learn an instrument and to rehearse and perform as an individual or as part of a group. We are also a performance venue and our audiences enjoy concerts held in the Nelson School of Music Auditorium and brand new performance space in the Rainey Wing. 

We are a non-profit, charitable organisation and operate with generous support from Nelson City Council in the form of an annual grant as well as funding from a small number of key funding partners. 

Our vision is to be New Zealand's most vibrant, innovative and accessible music community. Whether you want to learn an instrument, perform as part of a group or come to one of our concerts, there is something for all.

Nelson Centre of Musical Arts

Can you help?

We have compiled a list of community orchestras and orchestral groups across Aotearoa New Zealand. While we believe this list to be comprehensive, we understand there may be omissions. If your orchestra is missing, please let us know. We strive for accuracy but mistakes can happen. Please share any corrections or additional information you have about your group.

What are you contacting us about?
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